The Kindals live, human, screen-controling tech support

Sept. 29/2013

This article talks about one of the kindle fireKindle-Fire-HD-8 tablets features, the feature is a live video of the tech support person, and allows them to help you and control your screen. It gives you an example of what you can use it for. It also tells you how to use this function, and the different features like being able to slide the live video around the screen, which is good if you need to see different parts of the screen. This is usefull in our society because today almost everyones lives have somesort of technology in it, and the kindle fire is fairley popular, so this feature is probably needed.

I personally like this feature because it can help people who maybe aren’t “technollogy minded”. This caught my attention because i would like to acctually get the tablet. i would recomend reading this artical if you have this tablet or are planning on it. It is an excellent source of information. This artical is relatable to my life because my life is very technology involed (i use my phone to jot down my homework, events hppening, and i use it for edmodo on the go so i always know my homework in computer class.)

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1 Response to The Kindals live, human, screen-controling tech support

  1. mrnishisci says:

    Cool article! This is a very good first blog post! I think that your summary didn’t do it justice though, I had questions after reading your summary so I went to the article and learned much more. I would have also liked to have seen some of the possible negative effects of such technology? Could this service possibly jack up the cost of the new kindle fire?

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